Practice Management

Integrating Yin Yang Theory in Transgender Care

June 1, 2024

Katrina Hanson, L.Ac.

graphic of yin and yang in pink and light blue indicating lgbtq

This article explores the application of Yin and Yang theory in transgender medicine, highlighting its significance in promoting inclusivity, respect, and empowerment. By examining adapted Yin-Yang principles and discussing the role of acupuncture and herbal remedies, this article elucidates how a holistic approach to transgender healthcare can honor the diverse experiences of transgender individuals and support their overall well-being.

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Bisexual and Pansexual Health inclusivity

June 1, 2024

Denise Cicuto, L.Ac.

photo of rainbow flags indicating lgbtq

Do no harm is a good rule of thumb for all practitioners. You can improve communication with patients while trying to help rather than harm them. No matter what chief complaint your patient has, seeing, valuing, and treating them as a whole person is truly important. This article explores suggestions on how to make healthcare experiences more positive for bisexual/pansexual people.

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Inclusion in Your TCM Practice

May 30, 2023

Katrina Hanson, L.Ac.

Inclusion Image

LGBTQI patients are more likely to have had a negative experience with a previous healthcare practitioner–anything from the practitioner using the wrong name to refusing to treat them unless they stop taking gender-affirming hormones. We can help repair our patients’ trust in their healthcare providers by building a more inclusive practice. Even those of us who are part of the LGBTQI community have a lot to learn about being inclusive practitioners.

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Serving the LGBTQ Community

May 29, 2023

Kirsten Cowan, L.Ac.

Pride Flag ImageThe principles of holistic medicine we were trained in taught us to see each person as an individual – an individual who is in a certain place and time, impacted by their history and their environment. We commit not to treat anyone as a diagnosis, an identity, or a health problem, but as a person. This is both ethical and effective. Having your whole self in the treatment room, feeling safe and seen, results in a powerful healthcare relationship – regardless of whether your practitioner shares your identity or not.

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Profile of Transfeminine Care in the TCM Clinic

May 28, 2023

Avery Grace, L.Ac.

Trans Flag Image

Count the number of transgender people you are knowingly familiar with in your daily life. Now, count how many transgender patients you knowingly have in your practice. Bonus points if you got past the fingers on one hand! Many Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners have little to no experience treating trans people, or coordinating gender-affirming care with other medical professionals. Moreover, there is a significant lack of research about transgender experience in general, and certainly in the realm of allopathic transgender medical care. Compared to allopathic medicine, the scarcity of information on transgender care in Chinese medicine is even greater.

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Master Tung's Magic Points & Cupping in the Aftermath of the Coronavirus

March 22, 2022

Susan Johnson, L.Ac.

Susan Johnson Cupping Treatment

Many acupuncturists are gradually reopening their practices. At the same time, a second wave of COVID-19 is sweeping through the country as people are becoming impatient with sanitation protocols and social distancing. Even while we have compassion for the hardships that the pandemic has created, it is ever more important to safeguard ourselves and our clinics and not let our guard down just because we wish to believe that the crisis is over. This article discusses Cupping and Master Tung points for promoting wellness along with protecting yourself and your practice.

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Are Patients Suffering in Silence?

December 4, 2020

Janet L. Borges, MSTCM, Dipl. AC & CH (NCCAOM), L.Ac.

Suffering Patient

Some clinics have returned to more normal rhythms, while others are working with patients via telemedicine and herbal practices. For those who are seeing folks in their clinics, they may have noticed that some patients have not returned as quickly and are preferring to remain close to home until there is more certainty about where the virus is headed and when it is safe to resume normal activities. But are your patients suffering in silence? And how can you safely help them?

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Facial Acupuncture in a time of Masks

July 19, 2020

Michelle Gellis AP, LAc, MAc DiplAc

Michelle Gellis

Acupuncturist Michelle Gellis discusses how to modify your facial acupuncture protocol during the pandemic to safely continue your treatments, including modification of masks and your office environment. Thank you to FSOMA for allowing us to use a portion of this webinar recording.

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Virtual Practice Ideas

March 29, 2020

Yvonne Lau, Mayway President

Virtual PracticeAs practitioners are closing their clinics for the safety of all, many are left wondering if their businesses will survive. Trying times call for creative measures. We have tips on how to evolve to continue communicating with and meeting the needs of your patients while most of us shelter at home. Read More

Coronavirus: CE Course Modern Research from Traditional Chinese Medicine

March 8, 2020

Michael McCulloch, LAc MPH PhD

Michael McCullochIn this 2 hour continuing education distant learning course taught by Michael McCulloch, L.Ac., MPH, PhD Epidemiologist, we will review modern Traditional Chinese Medicine cold and flu research, herbs and the body's efforts to defend against the virus, herbs and foods and preventing the cytokine storm, primary care providers and infection control.

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Year of the Earth Pig: Health Predictions for the TCM Clinic

February 20, 2019

Wendy S. Goldman, L.Ac.

2019 year of the PigIn 2019 we shifted from the Yang of the Earth Dog year to the Yin of the Earth Pig (or Boar). The easy-going Pig is not without his issues! The energetics of the year can influence everything from the weather forecast to the kinds of illness that will be prevalent in our patients. Learn what to expect so you can have the right treatments in mind and the right herbs on hand.

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