Environmental Commitment

Mayway is strongly committed to contributing positively to the environment. As a company whose products are wholly dependent upon the earth to create the products your patients depend upon, we have always been concerned about environmental matters.
Our concern for the environment extends to the source of our industry, China, where we work with local growers and international efforts to promote conservation of endangered herbs, work with the World Wildlife fund to protect endangered species of animals threatened by use in traditional medicine, encourage the reduction in use of pesticides and preservatives, and promote sustainable, ecological production of Chinese herbs.
Our commitment comes in many other forms, from using recycled and biodegradable packaging materials, to reducing promotional and packaging materials overall. In 1997 we invested in solar power. Most of the Mayway facility in Oakland runs on solar energy including two clean-running electric forklifts. Many days we even pump our excess solar electricity back into California’s electric grid!
We are a certified green business with the Bay Area Green Business program. This certification helps us maintain an awareness of our environment in our everyday activities. It is our hope that it also encourages others to become environmentally responsible partners.