Headache Formulas Comparison

Bi Yan Pian Bi Yan Tablets
Bi Yan Tablets
Disperses Wind, Clears Heat, Expels Toxic-Heat, Transforms Phlegm, Benefits the Nose Wind heat obstructing the nasal passages and congealing the nasal fluids into phlegm heat. Presenting with nasal congestion, swollen and inflamed mucus membranes, watery or thick yellow or purulent and malodorous nasal mucus, sneezing, reduction or loss of sense of smell, nasal voice, sinus congestion and pain, frontal or sinus headache, dizziness, red itchy eyes, excessive tearing. Tongue: normal to red, yellow coat Pulse: slippery, rapid Cang er zi, Xin yi hua, Lian qiao, Fang feng, Bai zhi, Zhi mu, Gan cao, Jing jie, Ye ju hua, Wu wei zi, Jie geng
Cang Er Zi Wan Upper Chamber Teapills
Upper Chamber Teapills
Dispels Wind, Benefits the Nose Wind heat lingering in the nasal passages with congealing of the nasal fluids causing phlegm obstruction. Presenting with profuse, thick, white, yellow, or green nasal mucus, nasal congestion, swollen and inflamed mucus membranes, reduction or loss of sense of smell, sneezing, nasal voice, headache, or sinus pain, maxillary pain, red itchy eyes, thirst. May be accompanied by fever and chills, cough with yellow phlegm, dizziness. Tongue: thin white or yellow coat Pulse: floating, tight or rapid Cang er zi, Bai zhi, Xin yi hua, Bo he
Chai Hu Shu Gan Wan Bupleurum Shu Gan Teapills
Bupleurum Shu Gan Teapills
Moves Liver Qi, Regulates Qi and Blood, Harmonizes Liver and Spleen Liver Qi stagnation overacting on the Stomach or Spleen presenting with costal pain, chest and costal distention, irritability, depression, mood swings, cold hands and feet, plum pit Qi sensation in throat, indigestion, acid regurgitation, heartburn, belching, nausea, epigastric and abdominal bloating or pain, borborygmus, gas, alternating diarrhea and constipation, alternating fever and chills, tension and spasm in the neck and upper back, headache, breast distention, lumps associated with the menstrual cycle, menstrual pain, irregular menstruation. Symptoms may be exacerbated by stress or emotional upset and or may manifest cyclically. Tongue: normal or slightly purple, with a thin white coat Pulse: wiry Chai hu, Jiu chao bai shao, Cu zhi xiang fu, Chao zhi ke, Chuan xiong, Gan cao, Chen pi
Chuan Xiong Wan Chuan Xiong Wan
Ligusticum Teapills
Dispels Wind-Cold, Releases the Exterior, Invigorates Qi and Blood, Unblocks the Channels and Collaterals Initial stage of a wind-cold invasion presenting with headache, especially in the occipital (Tai Yang) and temporal (Shao Yang) regions, but may also include frontal (Yang Ming), vertex (Jue Yin), or sinus headaches. May be accompanied by facial pain, pain and stiffness in the neck, shoulders and upper back, chills, slight fever, no sweating, aversion to wind and cold, body aches, fatigue, slight dizziness, nasal congestion, clear watery nasal mucus, sneezing. Useful for treatment of “Wind in the head” (tou feng), presenting with a persistent headache in any part of the head that occurs at irregular intervals after an external invasion. May also be used for headaches or facial pain without overt wind-cold signs other than pain that is aggravated by exposure to cold, changes in the weather, or rapid changes from a warm to cold environment. Also effective for headaches due to external invasion of wind-heat or wind-damp, if prescribed in combination with a wind-heat or wind-damp relieving formula. Tongue: normal Pulse: floating, possibly tight Bo he, Chuan xiong, Jing jie, Qiang huo, Bai zhi, Gan cao, Fang feng, Gui zhi
Da Chai Hu Wan Major Bupleurum Teapills
Major Bupleurum Teapills
Harmonizes the Shao Yang, Soothes the Liver, Clears Liver and Gallbladder Heat, Purges Accumulation due to Yang Ming Heat Simultaneous Shao Yang and Yang Ming disorders, or excess heat in the Gall Bladder and Stomach. Presenting with alternating fever and chills, fullness in the chest and costal region (with or without pain), hard, focal epigastric distention, abdominal and epigastric pain, nausea, continuous vomiting, bitter taste in the mouth, irritability, manic behavior, constipation or urgent diarrhea, red, sore eyes, temporal or frontal headaches. Tongue: yellow coat Pulse: wiry, forceful Sheng jiang, Chai hu, Ban xia, Huang qin, Zhi shi, Bai shao, Da zao, Da huang
Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Wan Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Wan
Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Teapills
Releases the Exterior, Drains Dampness, Regulates Qi, Harmonizes the Middle Jiao Externally contracted wind-cold-damp invasion of the middle jiao, or wind-cold invasion with a pre-existing condition of Qi and damp stagnation blocking the middle jiao. Presenting with nausea, vomiting, belching, fever and chills, a sensation of fullness and oppression in the chest, bloating and pain in the epigastrium, abdominal pain, diarrhea or sticky loose stools, borborygmus, headache, foggy head, loss of taste, little or no appetite, lethargy, heavy sensation in the body, muscle aches. Particularly useful for Sudden Turmoil Disorder (acute, sudden vomiting and diarrhea), and summer damp invasion. Tongue: thick, white, greasy coat Pulse: moderate, soggy, floating, slippery Guang huo xiang, Bai zhu, Hou po, Jie geng, Chen pi, Gan cao, Ban xia, Da fu pi, Bai zhi, Zi su ye, Fu ling, Da zao, Sheng jiang
Jia Wei Xiao Yao Wan Jia Wei Xiao Yao Wan
Free & Easy Wanderer Plus Teapills
Softens the Liver, Regulates Qi, Nourishes Blood, Strengthens the Spleen, Clears Heat Liver Qi stagnation with Spleen and Blood deficiency and signs of heat, with Liver fire uprising or underlying Yin deficiency. Presenting with irritability, angry outbursts, anxiety, depression, mood swings, night sweats, tidal fever, dry mouth and throat, bitter taste in the mouth, red sore eyes, costal pain, generalized muscle tightness especially in the neck and upper back, facial and neck flushing with stress, headache, dizziness, vertigo, palpitations, restless sleep, fullness in the chest with difficulty breathing deeply, frequent sighing, breast distention and tenderness, painful menstruation, short or irregular menstruation, increased menstrual flow or uterine bleeding, lower abdominal pain, painful or difficult urination, symptoms may be aggravated by stress or emotional upset, symptoms may also manifest cyclically. Tongue: red, red sides, red dots along sides. Pulse: wiry, deficient, rapid Jiu chao bai shao, Fu ling, Bai zhu, Mu dan pi, Zhi zi, Chai hu, Dang gui, Sheng jiang, Gan cao, Bo he
Jiang Ya Pian Jiang Ya Tablets
Jiang Ya Tablets
Sedates Liver Yang, Cools Liver Fire, Calms Internal Wind, Invigorates the Blood, Tonifies Blood, Nourishes Liver and Kidney Yin Liver Yang and/or Liver fire rising and internal wind with underlying Liver and Kidney Yin deficiency. Presenting with high blood pressure, distending headaches at the temples, behind the eyes, or top of the head, stiffness and pain in the neck and shoulders, dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, hearing loss, blurred vision, visual disturbances, red complexion, facial and neck flushing, a sensation of heat rushing to the head, irritability, frustration, easily angered, tendency to feel warm and restless, uneasiness, insomnia, restless sleep, dream-disturbed sleep, thirsty for cold drinks, dark or concentrated urine, constipation. In severe cases there may be temporary facial or limb paralysis, numbness of the extremities, diminished visual field, abnormal sensations in the face or limbs, twitching, tremors or spasms. Tongue: red, yellow coat, possibly stiff or trembling Pulse: rapid, wiry, bounding Hu ji sheng, Huang qin, Jue ming zi, Shan zha, Chou wu tong ye, Sang bai pi, Di long
Jing Fang Bai Du Wan Release The Exterior Teapills
Release The Exterior Teapills
Releases the Exterior, Dispels Wind-Cold-Damp, Expels Phlegm External wind cold dampness invasion presenting with acute simultaneous fever and chills without sweating, chills more than fever, shivering, aversion to wind, pain and stiffness of head and neck, occipital headache, generalized body aches, nasal congestion or runny nose with clear mucus. May be accompanied by cough and wheezing with profuse white phlegm, chest fullness, sore throat, red swollen eyes. Tongue: possibly swollen, thin white coat Pulse: floating, tight Jing jie, Fang feng, Chai hu, Qian hu, Chuan xiong, Qiang huo, Du huo, Fu ling, Jie geng, Gan cao, Sheng jiang
Long Dan Xie Gan Wan Long Dan Xie Gan Wan
Snake & The Dragon Teapills
Clears Damp-Heat from the Liver and Gallbladder Channels, Clears Damp-Heat from the Lower Jiao, Cools Liver Fire Excess heat or fire upflaring in the Liver and Gallbladder channels or damp heat accumulating in the Liver and Gallbladder channels and the lower jiao. Presenting with costal distention or pain, headache, particularly severe headaches on the sides of the head, top of the head, or behind the eyes, dizziness, red complexion, irritability, easily angered, bitter taste in the mouth, red, swollen, painful eyes, ear pain and swelling, loud tinnitus, hearing loss or sudden deafness, dark, scanty, difficult or painful urination, constipation, genital swelling, sweating, itching, or pain, foul smelling discharge from the genitals, impotence. Tongue: red, possibly red edges or red dots along the sides and tip with a greasy yellow coat Pulse: forceful, wiry, rapid Long dan cao, Chai hu, Ze xie, Sheng di huang, Dang gui, Huang qin, Zhi zi, Mu tong (san ye), Che qian zi, Gan cao
Luo Bu Ma Pian Luo Bu Ma Tablets
Luo Bu Ma Tablets
Calms the Liver, Drains Fire, Extinguishes Wind, Sedates Liver Yang, Drains Dampness, Transforms Phlegm, Calms the Shen Liver Yang and/or Liver fire rising, and internal Liver wind with uprising dampness and phlegm. Presenting with high blood pressure, severe dizziness and vertigo, disorientation, headaches like a vice at the temples, or top of the head, pressure behind the eyes, stiffness and pain in the neck and shoulders, irritability, restlessness, frustration, anger, uneasiness, insomnia, palpitations, tinnitus, red complexion, thirst with no desire to drink, edema, dark or concentrated urine, urinary difficulty, constipation. Tongue: red, greasy yellow coat Pulse: rapid, wiry, slippery Luo bu ma ye, Gou teng, Xia ku cao, Ze xie, Shan zha, Zhen zhu mu, Ju hua, Huai niu xi
Pe Min Kan Wan Pe Min Kan Pills
Pe Min Kan Pills
Disperses Wind, Clears Heat, Expels Toxic-Heat, Transforms Phlegm, Benefits the Nose Wind or wind heat obstructing the nasal passages presenting with copious amounts of nasal discharge that is either watery and clear or white, or thick and yellow or green, sinus pain, frontal or sinus headache, dizziness, sneezing, itchy nose and eyes, heat and redness around the sinus cavities, earache or congestion, cough and wheezing. Especially effective for nasal or lung problems with an allergic component. Tongue: normal to red Pulse: slippery, possibly rapid Xin yi hua, Cang er zi, Ban lan gen, Huo xiang, Ju hua, Fang feng, E bu shi cao, Bo he, Zi su ye
Ren Shen Bai Du Wan Resilient Warrior Teapills
Resilient Warrior Teapills
Releases the Exterior, Dispels Wind-Cold-Damp, Expels Phlegm, Tonifies the Qi External wind cold dampness invasion with underlying Qi deficiency presenting with high fever and severe chills without sweating, chills more than fever, shivering, aversion to wind, pain and stiffness of head and neck, occipital headache, generalized body aches, nasal congestion or runny nose with clear mucus, epigastric fullness, fullness of the chest, cough and possibly wheezing with profuse white phlegm. Tongue: swollen, possible teethmarks, greasy white coat Pulse: floating, weak, or soggy Qiang huo, Du huo, Chuan xiong, Chai hu, Qian hu, Fu ling, Zhi ke, Jie geng, Bo he, Ren shen, Gan cao, Sheng jiang
Shu Gan Wan Shu Gan Wan
Soothe Liver Teapills
Moves Liver Qi, Harmonizes the Liver and Stomach, Invigorates the Blood, Eliminates Food Stagnation Liver Qi stagnation with Liver overacting on Spleen and Stomach presenting with distention or sharp piercing pain in the epigastric, abdominal, chest, genital and costal regions, indigestion, poor digestion, belching, gas and bloating after meals, loss of appetite or indeterminate gnawing hunger, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, acid regurgitation, loose stools, alternating diarrhea and constipation, breast distention and pain, menstrual pain, muscular tension and pain, headache, cold hands and feet, depression, irritability, emotional lability, symptoms may be exacerbated by stress or emotional upset. Tongue: possibly light purple, with a white or yellow greasy coat Pulse: wiry, tight Xiang fu, Bai shao, Chai hu, Zhi ke, Qing pi, Chen pi, Sha ren, Hou po, Yan hu suo, Mu dan pi, Xiang yuan, Gan cao, Mu xiang, Pian jiang huang, Fo shou, Tu chen xiang, Bai dou kou, Tan xiang
Si Wu Wan Si Wu Wan
Four Substances Teapills
Tonifies and Regulates the Blood, Regulates the Liver Liver Blood deficiency presenting with dizziness, dry eyes, blurring of vision, floaters, dull headache, forgetfulness, pale or sallow complexion, pale and lusterless lips and fingernails, dry, lusterless skin, hair and eyes, brittle, pitted or ridged nails, chronic itchy and dry skin, chronic slow-healing ulcers and sores, generalized muscle tension, mild muscle spasms, calf cramps, palpitations, mild abdominal pain, scanty, irregular menstruation, tendency to dry, infrequent stools. In cases of Blood deficiency causing Blood stagnation there may be excessive menstrual bleeding, hard abdominal masses with recurrent pain, restless fetus disorder, retained placenta. Tongue: pale Pulse: thin, wiry, thready, choppy Shu di huang, Dang gui, Bai shao, Chuan xiong
Tao Hong Si Wu Wan Tao Hong Si Wu Wan
Tao Hong Si Wu Teapills
Invigorates the Blood, Tonifies Blood, Regulates Menstruation Blood deficiency with mild Blood stagnation in the lower jiao presenting with a shortened or irregular menstrual cycle with heavy bleeding of dark, purplish, sticky menstrual blood with or without clots, sharp and fixed abdominal pain before or during the menses, dull and diffuse pain after menstruation, abdominal distention, or uterine masses. May be accompanied by dizziness, dull headache, pale or purple lips, or nails, purple or broken blood vessels on the skin, chronic depression, numbness or tingling of the extremities. Tongue: pale or purplish with a white coat Pulse: thin, wiry, choppy Shu di huang, Dang gui, Bai shao, Tao ren, Hong hua, Chuan xiong
Tian Ma Gou Teng Wan Tian Ma Gou Teng Wan
Tian Ma Gou Teng Teapills
Calms the Liver, Extinguishes Wind, Clears Heat, Subdues Liver Yang, Tonifies Liver and Kidneys, Invigorates the Blood Liver Yang uprising and internal Liver wind with Liver and Kidney Yin deficiency presenting with pounding headaches at the temples, behind the eyes, or top of the head, dizziness, vertigo, stiffness and pain in the neck and shoulders, parasthesias of the extremities including, numbness, twitching, tremors or spasms, convulsions, deviation of the mouth and eyes, tinnitus, hearing loss, blurred vision, visual disturbances, red complexion, facial and neck flushing, a sensation of heat rushing to the head, irritability, easily angered, tendency to feel warm and restless, insomnia, restless sleep, dream-disturbed sleep, thirst for cold drinks, dark or concentrated urine, constipation. Tongue: red, possibly stiff or trembling Pulse: wiry, rapid Shi jue ming, Sang ji sheng, Gou teng, Ye jiao teng, Fu ling, Yi mu cao, Tian ma, Zhi zi, Huang qin, Du zhong, Chuan niu xi
Tong Qiao Huo Xue Wan Tong Qiao Huo Xue Wan
Tong Qiao Huo Xue Teapills
Invigorates the Blood, Dispels Blood Stasis, Opens the Orifices Blood stasis of the head, face or upper body presenting with sharp, fixed, stubborn headache, vertigo, dizziness, ear ringing, hearing loss, earache or sharp ear pain, chronic nasal blockage, hair loss, loss of eyebrows, dark or purple complexion, lips or sclera, dark rings around the eyes, swollen or broken blood vessels on the nose and cheeks, dry and scaly skin. May be accompanied by general blood stagnation signs such as chronic depression, purple nails, blotchy palms. Tongue: purple, with purple or dark spots, distended and dark sublingual veins. Pulse: wiry, deep, choppy, thready Tao ren, Hong hua, Chi shao, Chuan xiong, Bai zhi, Da zao, Sheng jiang, Shi chang pu
Xiao Yao Wan Xiao Yao Wan
Free & Easy Wanderer Teapills
Softens the Liver, Regulates Qi, Nourishes Blood, Strengthens the Spleen Blood stagnation presenting with menstrual pain, post-partum lower abdominal pain, pain in the head or face including headLiver Qi stagnation with Blood deficiency and Spleen Qi deficiency presenting with costal pain, alternating chills and fever, generalized muscle tightness especially in the neck and upper back, headache, dizziness, vertigo, fatigue, dry mouth and throat, bitter taste in the mouth, abdominal bloating, poor appetite, changeable bowel habits, irritability, anxiety, depression, mood swings, restless sleep, fullness in the chest with difficulty breathing deeply, frequent sighing, breast distention and tenderness, painful menstruation, late or irregular menstruation, symptoms may be aggravated by stress or emotional upset, symptoms may also manifest cyclically. Tongue: slightly red, pale, or light purple, may have pale sides Pulse: wiry, deficient Chai hu, Bai shao, Dang gui, Bai zhu, Fu ling, Sheng jiang, Gan cao, Bo he
Xin Yi Wan Magnolia Flower Teapills
Magnolia Flower Teapills
Dispels Wind-Cold, Eliminates Dampness, Benefits the Nose Wind cold invasion of the head, presenting with nasal and sinus congestion and/or pain, copious and clear nasal discharge, post-nasal drip, sneezing, headache, stiff and achy neck and upper back, fatigue, mental cloudiness, loss of sense of smell. Tongue: normal, thin white coat Pulse: floating, tight Xin yi hua, Bai zhi, Fang feng, Gao ben, Sheng ma, Mu tong, Chuan xiong, Qiang huo, Gan cao
Xue Fu Zhu Yu Wan Xue Fu Zhu Yu Wan
Stasis In The Mansion of Blood Teapills
Invigorates the Blood, Dispels Blood Stasis, Moves Liver Qi, Unblocks the Channels and Collaterals Blood stasis and Qi stagnation presenting with chronic sharp, cramping or piercing pain that is fixed in location, worse with pressure and tends to be worse at night. Particularly indicated for pain above the diaphragm including chest pain, costal pain, chronic stubborn headaches, facial pain, jaw pain, pain from slow-healing wounds or broken bones and for palpable masses. May be accompanied by signs such as chronic hiccups, a choking sensation when drinking, dry heaves, sensation of heat in the chest, palpitations, chronic insomnia, restless sleep, extreme mood swings, irritability, tension and agitation, easily angered, chronic depression, poor memory, low grade fever or evening tidal fever, dark or dull facial complexion, dark or purplish lips, sclera, or nails, dark rings under the eyes, purple discoloration or broken blood vessels on the skin, dry or scaly skin. Tongue: purple or dark purplish red, possibly purple or dark spots, or distended and dark sublingual veins Pulse: wiry, choppy, tight Tao ren, Hong hua, Dang gui, Sheng di huang, Huai niu xi, Zhi ke, Chi shao, Chuan xiong, Jie geng, Chai hu, Gan cao
Yan Hu Suo Zhi Tong Wan Yan Hu Suo Zhi Tong Wan
Great Corydalis Teapills
Invigorates the Blood, Moves Qi Blood stagnation presenting with menstrual pain, post-partum lower abdominal pain, pain in the head or face including headache, toothache, sinus pain and jaw pain, muscle spasms, epigastric or abdominal pain, chest or costal pain, inguinal pain, insomnia due to pain, pain anywhere in the body which is sharp, cramping, fixed in location, worse with pressure and tends to be worse at night, may be accompanied by dark facial complexion, purple discoloration or broken vessels on the skin. Tongue: purple, purple or dark spots, distended and dark sublingual veins Pulse: wiry, choppy Yan hu suo, Bai zhi
Zhen Gan Xi Feng Wan Zhen Gan Xi Feng Teapills
Zhen Gan Xi Feng Teapills
Calms the Liver, Extinguishes Wind, Nourishes Liver and Kidney Yin, Subdues Liver Yang Liver Yang rising and internal Liver wind caused by Liver and Kidney Yin deficiency presenting with severe dizziness and vertigo, disorientation, blurred vision, visual disturbances, a feeling of pressure or distention in the head and behind the eyes, headaches at the temples, behind the eyes or on top of the head, stiffness and pain in the neck and shoulders, feverish sensations in the head, red complexion, facial and neck flushing, insomnia with restless sleep, irritability, easily angered, tendency to feel warm and restless, frequent belching, tinnitus, twitching, tremors or spasms, numbness of the extremities. In severe cases there may be gradual progressive motor dysfunction, deviation of eyes and mouth, facial paralysis or mental confusion with moments of lucidity, or sudden loss of consciousness. Tongue: red, possibly stiff or trembling Pulse: long, wiry, forceful Huai niu xi, Dai zhe shi, Gui ban, Xuan shen, Bai shao, Tian men dong, Long gu, Mu li, Chuan lian zi, Mai ya, Yin chen hao, Gan cao
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