Nerve Qi & Xue Stagnation Formulas Comparison

Bu Yang Huan Wu Wan Great Yang Restoration Teapills
Great Yang Restoration Teapills
Tonifies the Qi, Invigorates the Blood, Unblocks the Channels and Collaterals Sequelae of wind-stroke in patients with Qi or Yang deficiency and Blood stasis. Tongue: white coat; Pulse: moderate, thready Astragalus membranaceus root, Paeonia lactiflora root, Angelica sinensis root, Ligusticum chuanxiong rhizome, Prunus persica seed, Carthamus tinctorius flower, Pheretima aspergillum
Dang Gui Si Ni Wan Dang Gui Si Ni Wan
Angelica Si Ni Teapills
Warms the Channels, Dispels Cold, Nourishes Blood, Unblocks the Connecting Vessels Cold invasion of the channels causing stagnation of Blood and obstruction of the free flow of Qi in the channels accompanied by underlying Blood deficiency. Symptoms may be exacerbated by exposure to cold and relieved with application of heat. Tongue: pale with a white coat; Pulse: thin, thready, deep, submerged. Angelica sinensis root, Paeonia lactiflora root, Cinnamomum cassia twig, Glycyrrhiza uralensis root-prep, Akebia trifoliata stem, Ziziphus jujuba fruit
Huang Qi Gui Zhi Wu Wu Tang Huang Qi Gui Zhi Wu Wu Tang
Astragalus Cinnamon Five Substances Decoction
Augments the Qi, warms and harmonizes the Channels, unblocks painful obstruction (bi) due to a mild attack of external Wind Bi syndrome of the Blood, Blood stagnation due to Wind-Cold with Qi Deficiency Tongue: Normal or thick with white and possibly greasy coating; Pulse: Faint, choppy, tight. Astragalus membranaceus root, Cinnamomum cassia twig, Paeonia lactiflora root, Zingiber officinale rhizome, Ziziphus jujuba fruit
Si Miao Wan Si Miao Wan
Four Marvel Teapills
Clears Heat, Resolves Dampness Wei syndrome (atrophy disorder) due to damp-heat in the lower Jiao. Also damp-heat Bi pain (painful obstruction syndrome) in the lower body which may be exacerbated by inactivity and hot humid weather and may improve with movement and the application of cold. Tongue: greasy, yellow coat; Pulse: slippery, rapid Phellodendron chinense bark, Coix lacryma jobi seed, Atractylodes lancea rhizome, Achyranthes bidentata root
Xiao Huo Luo Wan Xiao Huo Luo Wan
Xiao Huo Luo Teapills
Unblocks and Warms the Channels and Collaterals, Dispels Wind-Cold-Damp, Invigorates the Blood, Transforms Phlegm Cold-damp Bi pain (painful obstruction syndrome) obstructing the channels and collaterals with Phlegm and Blood stasis which may be aggravated by cold. Also for Wei (atrophy) syndrome due to Cold-damp Tongue: pale or purple with a moist white coat; Pulse: slow, slippery, deep Aconitum carmichaelii mother root-prep, Aconitum kusnezoffii root-prep, Pheretima aspergillum, Arisaema cum bile, Boswellia carterii resin-prep, Commiphora myrrha resin-prep
Zuo Gu Shen Jing San Zuo Gu Shen Jing San
Zuo Gu Shen Jing San
Dispels Wind-Damp, Strengthens Tendons and Bones, Invigorates the Blood, Unblocks the Channels and Collaterals, Nourishes Liver and Kidneys, Alleviates Pain. Chronic Wind-Cold-Damp Bi-pain resulting in the obstruction of Qi and Blood in the Channels and Collaterals with underlying Liver and Kidney deficiency. Tongue: Pale and possibly dusky; Pulse: Weak, wiry, slippery Rehmannia glutinose root-prep., Spatholobus suberectus vine, Lycopodium japonicum herb, Dipsacus asperoides root, Liquidambar formosana fruit, Curcuma longa rhizome, Angelica pubescens root, Cervus nippon antler gelatin, Siegesbeckia orientalis herb, Corydalis yanhusuo rhizome, Boswellia carterii resin, Commiphora myrrha resin, Rosa laevigata fruit, Ligusticum chuanxiong rhizome
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