Honey/Bee Products Caution Statement

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Honey/Bee Products Caution Statement

February 2003

We have recently become aware that the U.S. Customs Service and the U.S. FDA have found some shipments of honey imported from China to contain low levels of an antibiotic called Chloramphenicol. It is an antibiotic used in some seafood and bee farms in China. Use of Chloramphenicol is not allowed in food-producing animals in the U.S. and very limited for human use as this antibiotic is associated with a very rare, but potentially life threatening blood disorder known as idiosyncratic aplastic anemia. Although it is not dose-related, and not known why some people contract this condition and others do not, for a very small number of people (Health Canada estimates one in 30,000 to one in 50,000) this condition can be fatal.

To date, no illnesses have been reported in association with the imported honey or any products containing honey. So far, the amounts of Chloramphenicol found in foods tested by the Health authorities of various countries have been in levels far lower than would be used in medication, but no minimum dosage level for adverse reactions has been set. As such, the FDA has set a zero-tolerance policy for foods containing Chloramphenical. The U.S., Canadian, and U.K. Health authorities are currently testing honey coming in from China, Thailand, Argentina, India, Mexico, and Vietnam, and have advised consumers to stop eating honey of unknown origin. However, given the sheer volume of products that contain honey as flavorings or additives, they have advised that people can continue to consume these products as the risk for aplastic anemia is extremely low.

As many of our products contain honey or other bee products, Mayway is temporarily suspending sales of these products pending Chloramphenicol testing results: all 9x10cc liquid extracts, San She Dan Chuan Bei Ye, Loquat & Fritillary Jelly, fresh Royal Jelly, Royal Jelly powder and capsules. In the event any of these products are found to contain Chloramphenicol, we will discard current inventory and will order new Chloramphenicol free batches. Unfortunately, this means that we may be out of stock of certain products for 3-4 months due to sourcing, manufacturing, and shipping constraints.

For more information, please go to U.S. FDA link:

Health Canada link:

Thank you for your patience and support as we continue our work in providing safe, high quality Chinese herbal products.

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